Safeharbor Christian Church is selecting elders who are willing to be shepherds to help each of us grow closer to Christ and closer to one another. We leave this choice to the Lord through a careful process driven by prayer and the needs of our church. The elder nomination forms will be available beginning October 25th thru November 10th. These forms will be located at the dock and online with the deadline for completed forms being returned is Sunday, November 10th. You may fill out an online nomination form by clicking the button below.
Official Information from our Church By-Laws

According to the qualifications outlined in Scripture, elders shall be selected by congregational vote at the annual business meeting (I Timothy 3:1-13, Titus 1:5-9). Each September, the congregation shall submit nominations, which the current elders shall then review during the month of October. The elders shall personally interview potential candidates and prepare a final list to be presented to the congregation on the first Sunday in November. All candidates must agree, that if elected, they will attend two annual training sessions with the existing elders. The training sessions will be offered by the minister and/or the elders.


Elders shall be elected for a period of three (3) years and shall be eligible for re-election. Candidates shall have been members of the congregation for at least six months before the month of nomination. The number chosen for service shall be determined by the needs of the congregation (Acts 6:1-6).

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