Sunday June 7th, we are recognizing and celebrating our High School graduates. We are very proud of you and excited for what God has for you in this new season of your lives. As the Apostle Paul wrote, our prayer is that “as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving” (Col. 2:6-7). Congratulations class of 2020!
Don’t miss a special Grad Sunday message from Samson Olanrewaju, who will set aside our path through the book of Acts, but will once again help us ask the question “Now What?” While, of course, our graduates are asking that question, this message is relevant to all of us–young and old; brown, black, and white; men and women. When we find ourselves at the precipice of a journey, and we aren’t sure what to do, when we find ourselves asking “Now What?” how to we determine our next best step?
Join us this Sunday, June 7th, 10am!
Join us this Sunday, June 7th, 10am!
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