Nomination Form

Letter from the Safeharbor Elders:

Dear Church Family,

We’re grateful to have had the opportunity to serve you over this past year. We consider it a privilege to serve as overseers and shepherds of Christ’s church.

As a congregation that upholds Scripture as our rule of faith and practice, Safeharbor Christian Church is led by a team of Elders (which includes our Sr. Pastor), who maintain biblical alignment, guide the church’s course and direction, and provide spiritual oversight for our family of believers. (Acts 14:23; 20:28-29, IThess 5:12-13, ITim 5:17-18, Hebrews 13:17, I Pet 5:1-4).

Each fall, in keeping with our church by-laws, we invite you to help us identify potential leaders in our congregation who might serve as Elders. Those who serve in these roles must be “full of the spirit and wisdom” (Acts 6:3) and meet the biblical qualifications spelled out in 1Timothy 3:1-13 & Titus 1:6-9. We are looking for men with a shepherd’s heart who are willing to help us move forward in our mission to be and make disciples of Jesus who unleash the gospel in our community and around the world. We recognize that church leadership is a team effort, and expect those who serve on our Elder team to bring different gifts and passions to the table. Servant-leaders, who’ve proven their ability to work with others by serving as ministry leaders, or small group leaders are preferred.

We ask that you take you prayerfully consider those who seem to be a good fit for the role. If no one comes to mind, don’t feel as though you must nominate someone. This is not a popularity contest. God has gifted and called individuals to different areas of leadership and service in the church. Your nomination is one confirmation of that gifting and calling. Age and length of time at Safeharbor are not necessarily good indicators of whether someone is a good fit for the role of Elder. Some who’ve attended Safeharbor for a short time may have a depth of spiritual maturity and experiences that help us create a culture of genuine discipleship. Scripture doesn’t specify age as a qualification for the office of Elder.

Attached, you’ll find a nomination form. We’ve listed out the qualifications for the role of Elders according to 1Timothy 3 and Titus 1. Our primary concern is a candidate’s character. Those who live out the gospel message and are being conformed to the image of Christ (Rom 8:29, Col 3:2) will ultimately be those who are able to lead others to help us make genuine disciples of Jesus who unleash the gospel.

After nominations are received, we will review those nominated and begin an interview process, in keeping with Scripture (1Timothy 3:10) and our church by-laws. We will select candidates based on the interview process and the needs of our leadership structure at this time. Safeharbor Partners (members) will vote to confirm our decision at the annual congregational meeting in December.

According to our by-laws, you must be a member of Safeharbor in order to nominate someone as a potential Elder. Partnership classes are held throughout the year, and are the best next step for those who desire to be a member of Safeharbor. Additionally, candidates for Elder must be “members of the congregation for at least six months before the month of nomination.”*

Please consult those who you are nominating to be sure that they are members of Safeharbor who meet the biblical qualifications and are willing to serve in the role for which they are being nominated.

Thank you for allowing us to serve and lead as we unleash the gospel together. We await your prayerful consideration and nominations for potnetial elders at Safeharbor Christian Church.

In Christ,

The Elders of Safeharbor*Exerpt taken from our By-Laws (revised 2016).



I believe that the following nominee meets the biblical qualifications outlined in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1:

  • Above reproach  (1Tim 3, Titus 1)
  • Faithful to his wife  (1Tim 3) (Titus 1)
  • Sober-minded   (1 Tim 3)
  • Self-controlled   (1 Tim 3)
  • Respectable   (1 Tim 3)
  • Hospitable   (1 Tim 3)
  • Able to teach others   (1 Tim 3)
  • Not: drunkard, violent, greedy, quarrelsome, lover of money   (1Tim 3, Titus 1)
  • Manages his household well; children who obey and respect him (1Tim 3, Titus 1)
  • Children are believers, not rebellious (Titus 1)
  • Not a recent convert   (1Tim 3)
  • Well thought of by outsiders   (1Tim 3)
  • Not: arrogant, quick-tempered, drunkard, violent, greedy (Titus 1)
  • Hospitable, lover of goodness, upright, holy, self-controlled (Titus 1)
  • Holds firm to the word, able to teach and refute (Titus 1)

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One Response to “Nomination Form”

  1. […] is September 27th. Or you you may fill out an online nomination form by clicking the button belowNomination Form     Official Information from our Church By-Laws […]
