Project Cool Down Church AC Replacements

If you have lived in Florida for any length of time you will know that air conditioning is a necessity. Imagine coming to the Safeharbor campus for Sunday worship or during the week for an activity and trying to tolerate extreme temperatures inside the building. This as happened a few times in several parts of the campus when air conditioning units have become inoperable. In total, there are seven air conditioning units on the Safehabor campus with six of those units dated to 1992 which means they are over thirty years old and way past their service life. In the effort to be good stewards over the property God has blessed us with it is necessary to replace the units to save on yearly repair bills and to have more efficient cooling.

Project Cool Down is designed to address this need but the main issue is the amount it would take to replace the units. We are looking at a total of over $40,000. God in his grace has opened the door for us to apply for a grant to the Oldham Foundation for the funds to replace the units but we must show that we have raised some funds towards our goal. So please consider donating to this project so that the units can be replaced, the church saves on electricity, and repair bills. Click on the link to donate:

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