March 10, 2019
Grace meets us where we are but never leaves us where it found us. It’s our hope that you will encounter the grace of God that comes through Jesus today.
We all have things we don’t want others to know about us. What if hiding our embarrassment is the cause of loneliness? This morning Pastor Dan White continues our Befriend series and invites us to see how the Gospel welcomes us into the light, where we can be seen, known, and loved anyway (1John 1:5-10).
MEET THE PASTORS: New to Safeharbor? Our Pastors want to connect with you! Join them, March 24th , after the service, for snacks and conversations.
CONNECTION CARD: We would love to connect with you! Use the perforated card in this bulletin to tell us a little bit about yourself.
SNACKS: Coffee, tea, & snacks are available in Fellowship Hall (south wing).
THE DOCK: Located at the main entrance, The Dock is our information station. If you have any questions or are new and looking to connect, stop by The Dock.
COMMUNION: We celebrate The Lord’s Supper weekly. All believers are welcome to participate & reflect on the good news of God’s grace offered to those who trust in Jesus’ death & resurrection.
GIVING: We encourage believers to practice consistent, sacrificial giving. We have a dedicated offering time during our service. To give electronically, simply text the keyword “give” to (407) 710-2322 or visit
PRAYER REQUESTS: Prayer counselors are available after our worship services. Our Prayer Request Box is located at the back of the auditorium.
VISITORS WITH CHILDREN: We want your family to be a part of ours! Our group leaders, teachers, & nursery workers all work together to create an engaging & relational environment where children will hear God’s word.
0-5 YRS: Turtle Bay is in the north wing of our building and is comprised of our Nursery (24 mo.) and Pre-K class (2-5 yrs.)
K-5th GRADE: The Marina is in the south wing and is for elementary aged kids
Unpack the Gospel and grow with others in gospel-centered relationships.
NEW GROUPS: Small groups have launched!! Stop by The Dock to sign-up there’s still an opportunity to host, lead, or commit to a small group. CLICK HERE FOR A LIST OF GROUPS
PARTNERSHIP DINNER: Want to learn more about our church, how to get connected, and be more involved? We would love for you to join us Wednesday, April 3rd @6:30pm. Dinner will be provided. Sign up at the Dock
YOUTH GROUP: Our Jr & Sr High students meet Sundays from 6:30-8:30pm at Safeharbor. Join us tonight for worship, games, snacks, and discussion about being followers, not simply fans of Jesus.
Unleash the Gospel by living and sharing the good news about Jesus.
SERVING HOPE: Serving Hope is right around the corner! Join us on 3/19 to feed those in need. See Angeley Wenner at the Dock and sign up to bring food.
YARD SALE: Safeharbor is hosting a yard sale, Saturday, March 30, 8am-1pm. All proceeds go to Blessings for Babies, a charity that helps care for NICU families. Have items to donate? Contact the church office to arrange drop off.
MAINTENANCE TEAM: Attention all handy people! We are looking to create a list of skilled, talented people! If you have knowledge in AC, heating, plumbing, electrical, painting, wall repair, landscaping, etc. Please share your contact info at the Dock and Cheryl Hughs will follow-up with you!
ESOL CLASSES: If you know people who speak another language and may benefit from an English classes, consider bringing them Tuesdays, 6:30pm.
CAVALRY: Cavalry is the way Safeharbor meets the basic needs of people in
our church & community. Consider an additional contribution to Cavalry today. The Cavalry group meets Tuesdays, 6:30pm, to pray and discuss needs.
Weekly Need for the 2019 Budget: $4407.00
Additional Contributions for Cavalry Support: $100.00
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